Here are the courses I took at Princeton, divided into Computer Science, Math, and Humanities.

Computer Science

COS217: Introduction to Programming Systems

Spring '19

Learned about C, Assembly, machine language, buffer overrun attacks, memory and process and I/O management, and signals. Assignments involved creating a Unix Shell, Buffer Overrun, and Assembly.

COS226: Algorithms and Data Structures

Fall '18

Learned about data structures, sorts, graphs, data compression, regex, and substring searches. Assignments included an 8 puzzle solver with A* search alg, Kd-Trees, WordNet, Seam Carving, and Burrows-Wheeler compression alg.

COS316: Principles of Computer System Design

Fall '19

Overview course on networking, distributed systems, security, OS, naming, and caching. Assignments included socket programming, HTTP routing, in-memory cache, ORM, database connection pool, and access control lists. Here's a 12-page paper my friend and I wrote analyzing Kubernetes.

COS324: Introduction to Machine Learning

Spring '20

Learned about regression, classification, SGD, neural nets, CNNs, clutsering, and unsupervised learning. Assignments included coding linear regression, logistic regression, multiclass learning with cross entropy and one-vs-all, CNNs, k-means, and analyzed the math of the algorithms.

COS426: Computer Graphics

Spring '20

Learned about image processing, modeling, rendering, and animation. Assignments included an image processor, mesh editor, raytracer, rasterizer, and cloth simulator. Here's a 2.5D shooter my team made for the final project: Pac-Atack

COS445: Economics and Computing

Spring '20

Learned about matchings, voting theory, game theory, linear programming, information cascades, scoring rules, auction theory, cryptocurrencies, cake cutting, price of anarchy, and behavioral game theory. Assignments included weekly psets and strategy designs.

COS487: Theory of Computation

Fall '19

Learned about finite automata, streaming algorithms, computability theory, and complexity theory.


FRS177: Mathematics of Magic Tricks and Games

Fall '18

A freshman seminar taught by legendary Manjul Barghava. The course is special because professional magician Mark Mitton went to each class and taught us about magic tricks. Learned about number theory, cryptography, card tricks, knot theory, graph theory, and much more. Here's a 10 page paper I wrote on The Mathematics of Juggling.

MAT203: Advanced Vector Calculus

Fall '18

Taught by Hanshang Diao. Learned about vector spaces, derivatives, Taylor's series, Lagrange multipliers, double and triple integrals, change of coordinates, surface and line integrals, generalizations of the fundamental theorem of calculus to higher dimensions.

MAT204: Advanced Linear Algebra with Applications

Spring '19

Learned about linear independence, linear transforms, determinants, eigenvectors/values, orthogonality, spectral theorem, SVD, and Jordan forms. Here's a paper my friend and I wrote on a Least Squares Analysis of Smash.

MAT215: Honors Analysis (Single Variable)

Fall '19

Taught by Javier Gomez-Serrano. Learned about basic analysis, including rigorous epsilon-delta treatment of limits, convergence, uniform convergence of sequences and series, continuity, differentiability, Heine-Borel Theorem, Riemann integrals, integrability, differentiation and integration of series of functions, and Taylor's Theorem.

MAT375: Introduction to Graph Theory

Spring '20

Taught by Paul Seymour. Learned about fundamental theorems and algorithms of graph theory including connectvitiy, matchings, graph coloring, planarity, extremal problems, network flows, and related algorithms.

ORF309: Probability and Stohchastic Systems

Fall '19

Learned about basic principles of probability, lifetimes and reliability, Poisson processes, random walks, Brownian motion, branching processes, and Markov chains.


ECO310: Microeconomic Theory: A Mathematical Approach

Spring '19

Learned about economic theory of individual and firm behavior using mathematical tools including calculus with emphasis on consumer choices, output and production of firms, and market interaction and equilibrium.

ENG385: Children's Literature

Spring '20

Analyzes children's texts on a deep level. Much more content and much more interesting than one would think. Here's an 8 page paper I wrote analyzing one of the most popular picture books of all time, It's OK Stuwwelpeter. And here's an app called Synthesaurus that I built to analyze and find synonyms to help children's authors, and here's a paper on the relationship between Synthesaurus and children' literature.

NEU201: Neuroscience Fundamentals

Fall '18

Biological introduction to fundamental topics in neuroscience including neuronal excitability, synaptic physiology, neural networks, and circuits that mediate perception, action, emotion, and memory.

PHI201: Introduction to Logic

Spring '19

Introduction to symbolic logic.

PHI202: Moral Philosophy

Fall '19

Learned about consequentialism, intentionality, moral luck, best life for people, moral status of future persons, abortion, vegetarianism, reletavism, and existentialism. Here's an essay describing my Objection to Act Utilitarianism, and on Abortion.

PSY254: Developmental Psychology

Fall '18

Taught by Casey Lew-Williams. Learned about children's biology, cognition, language, and social experiences. Here's a fake Journal Article I wrote on delaying high school start times.

WRI149: Your Life in Numbers

Spring '19

Writing seminar focused on learning how to synthesize research papers. Here's a paper I wrote on The Role of Introspection in Plato's The Replubic. Here's a paper I wrote on Self-efficacy and the SAT. And here's a paper I wrote on how Advertisements Persuade Us.