My very own website built with pretty colors and <3
Struggled an absurd amount to get types to work, but had fun learning new technologies
Automated workflow of turning markdown files and their paths into these sections and blog posts
2.5D Shooter
Three.js, React
Built (with 3 other friends) a 2.5D Shooter with a Pacman theme featuring waves of enemies, powerups, leaderboard functionality, and HUDs
Won "Best Gameplay Award" out of 36 graphics oriented projects
Writing Tool
Natural (NLP library), React
Synthesaurus lets you upgrade your writing by synthesizing it with a thesaurus to create more powerful words
Parses and analyzes text to find and replace words with synonyms
ML Music Rater
Flask, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn
Trained various machine learning models (random forests, decision trees, linear regression) on 200k+ songs from Spotify
to estimate a song’s popularity
Designed endpoints and UI for webapp with user experience in mind
Least Squares Analysis of Smash
Applied Linear Algebra
MATLAB, Python
Applied least squares regression to manually gathered data for the popular game Super Smash Bros Ultimate to
determine which type of playstyle was most correlated with a higher tier list ranking
Explored viability of various linear algebra concepts, including SVD decomposition, PCA, and least squares
Social Platform for New Devs
MongoDB, Express, React, Redux, Node.js
Developed and deployed a full stack application with authentication system, alert system, and a social media architecture with profiles, posts, comments, and ratings