Creative and Punny Title

Personal Website


TypeScript, Gatsby, GraphQL, React, Styled Components

  • My very own website built with pretty colors and <3
  • Struggled an absurd amount to get types to work, but had fun learning new technologies
  • Automated workflow of turning markdown files and their paths into these sections and blog posts

2.5D Shooter


Three.js, React

  • Built (with 3 other friends) a 2.5D Shooter with a Pacman theme featuring waves of enemies, powerups, leaderboard functionality, and HUDs
  • Won "Best Gameplay Award" out of 36 graphics oriented projects


Writing Tool


Natural (NLP library), React

  • Synthesaurus lets you upgrade your writing by synthesizing it with a thesaurus to create more powerful words
  • Parses and analyzes text to find and replace words with synonyms


ML Music Rater


Flask, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn

  • Trained various machine learning models (random forests, decision trees, linear regression) on 200k+ songs from Spotify to estimate a song’s popularity
  • Designed endpoints and UI for webapp with user experience in mind

Least Squares Analysis of Smash

Applied Linear Algebra


MATLAB, Python

  • Applied least squares regression to manually gathered data for the popular game Super Smash Bros Ultimate to determine which type of playstyle was most correlated with a higher tier list ranking
  • Explored viability of various linear algebra concepts, including SVD decomposition, PCA, and least squares


Social Platform for New Devs


MongoDB, Express, React, Redux, Node.js

  • Developed and deployed a full stack application with authentication system, alert system, and a social media architecture with profiles, posts, comments, and ratings
  • Implemented a RESTful API with state management